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What is the purpose of life?

So what if this life was all there was? What if death was the end? What is the purpose of waking up every day? Why am I here? I believe that we all have these challenging questions at some point in our lives. What is the purpose of life? This is the question. What is the purpose of life? Is it to find love? Is it to raise children? Is it to become financially rich? What is it for you? It means many different things to many different people. For some it means to be successful in everything they do. To others it means to help as many people as possible with the gifts and talents they have been given. For some it means to reach a spiritual plateau of peace and understanding. What is the purpose of life? It is a gigantic question and when answered, it brings an incredible amount of clarity and vision. The purpose of life, yes, folks, it’s a big one.

I have the answer. Are you ready? Drum roll please… The purpose of life is to Love God, Be Your Best and Help Others. Tadaaaa! That’s it! The purpose! That’s why you were born, my friend. The purpose of life is to Love God, Be Your Best and Help Others.
