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Author: Elevate

Self Esteem Assessment

Self Esteem Assessment
SELF ESTEEM ASSESSMENT 1. Am I too sensitive to criticism? 2. Am I extremely hard on myself? 3. Do I not own up to my responsibility? 4. Do I blame others? 5. Do I feel like I am a victim to other people and situations? 6. Do I excessively boast of my accomplishments, or conversely, make excuses for them? 7. Do I feel inferior or superior to others? 8. Do I completely avoid t...
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Is Money Good or Bad? 

Is Money Good or Bad? 
Is Money Good or Bad? As you may know I am a self-professed follower of Christ and let me be the first one to tell you that poverty is not what God wants for you. Do you think God and your well-intentioned church wants ten percent of one hundred million dollars or ten percent of fifty bucks? Gandhi was loaded with cash by his supporters and look at all of the good he did. Mother Theresa also had ...
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Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that oth...
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Keep Pushing Towards What You Want

Keep pushing towards what you want.
This is a  formula for ultimate happiness and fulfillment. Continue to elevate your foundational self; discover who you are and why you are here; learn the Elevate mindset and determine what you want. THE ULTIMATE LIFE SUCCESS FORMULA: 1.       Elevate your foundational self 2.      Know who you are and why you are here 3.      Implement the Elevate Mindset 4.      Determine what yo...
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Does Money Equate to Happiness?

My family was at our friend and colleague’s wedding a few months ago and we gave her and her hubby a nice check as a bonus to spend on their honeymoon. They are both fellow entrepreneurs and we were having a great time. I said to them, “Do you know what my favorite word is? Cha… Do you know what my second favorite word is? Ching!” We all cracked up. Her hubby came back with, “Do you know what is b...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! As the holiday season is in full swing, don't forget to pause, slow down a bit, hug those you love, and make a difference in someone else's life.  As we all know, it is so easy to forget what Christmas is all about.  Of course, it signifies the birth of Jesus Christ, however, it also signifies a very special time of year to live out our highest values. Chri...
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Fear and Courage

fear and courage
It can be scary to go after what you want. It is supposed to be. You want to feel uncomfortable and put yourself out there to get what you really, really want. If it was not uncomfortable for you, you would already have it. The reason fear kicks in is because it is supposed to! This is normal. This is your indicator that says that you are reaching far enough. I do not believe fear can be totally ...
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Why Wealth?

Why wealth? Because if you are poor, it is very difficult to focus on anything else but surviving and paying your bills, that’s why.  You’re destined for more than that. Is that right or right? Okay, let’s start with what wealth is. Wealth is the subject of money and money accumulation. Money has always been a fun subject for me. I think for most entrepreneurs it usually is. What is money? Seri...
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Believe in Yourself!

believe in yourself
Chapter in my book is titled: Believe in Yourself! At the end of the book, I list out practicals to make the words a reality. Give these a shot this month! :) If you need to see these in action, check out our YouTube channel for Chapter 6. Practical: Make a list of fifty things you have accomplished and are proud of in your life. Start as early as you can remember and don’t stop until you have ...
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Marriage a Little Rocky?

Most of us know that marriage is not always bliss. Whenever you meet a couple who has a great marriage, it is because they know how to ride through the ups and downs. Marriage is about commitment and communication. As long as each other’s needs are being met, you really can have a life-long happy marriage. I used to think that when I met a couple that had a great marriage, it is because they never...
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