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Be Your Best

Be Your Best
Be your best! The main recipe I know of for emotional disaster is to not become what you know you are capable of. Whatever you can be, you must be. Believe in yourself. You can be what you want to be. Break those shackles of inhibition and go after what you want. Aren’t you happiest when you’re growing, accomplishing something, or going after what is important to you? Look, if there is any fear or...
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Guard Your Thoughts

Guard Your Thoughts
You must guard your thoughts to get what you want. Your mind is hungry. Your mind goes after whatever stimulus you put in front of it. Garbage in really does equal garbage out! If we feed our minds with negative news, conversations, people, and music, our output becomes negative. My dad always told me, “If you want to soar with the eagles, you cannot hang out with turkeys.” Surround yourself with ...
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Guard your Influences

Guard your Influences
Do you only take advice from people you want to be like? This can be a big one if you answered no. If you take advice from people that you do not want to be like, you begin to think the way they think and have what they have. Only, only, only take advice from people that you want to be like. If you don’t, many times, especially when someone is giving you unsolicited advice, they are trying to conv...
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Break The Funk

Break The Funk
If you ever feel like you are in a funk and happiness is escaping you, here is how you can get happy again, today! Do one of the following:  meet someone new that is interesting and funny; do an experience you have not done before; buy a new outfit; and/or do something you are afraid to do. If you take action and do one of these things when you feel like you are in a funk, you will snap out of it ...
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What personality type do you want to be for 2022?

What personality type do you want to be for 2022?
What is your personality type? Are you more of an extrovert or an introvert? Are you more of a task person or a people person? Are you more formal or informal? Are you more dominant or easy going? Are you more of a producer or a connector? Do you thrive more on steadiness or variety? Are you more motivated by external or internal rewards? We can go on and on. What’s great about discovering your pe...
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Happy Holidays

Happy Holiday
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! What a wonderful Colorado winter we are having! I have to admit, I miss the snow but that's what we have the mountains for! :) This is a great time of year to sit down and get clear on your 5-year vision. Where do you see you and your family in 5 years? What are your careers? What are the hobbies you enjoy together? Where do you live? Where do you want to t...
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Self-leadership involves developing a fierce focus to achieve what you want. When I say fierce focus, I mean fierce. People who shine with self-leadership have blocked off times, daily or weekly, to do nothing but focus on what they want and how they are going to get it. They guard this time with everything they have. Folks, everyone and everything around you competes for your time. It must be gua...
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What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of life?
So what if this life was all there was? What if death was the end? What is the purpose of waking up every day? Why am I here? I believe that we all have these challenging questions at some point in our lives. What is the purpose of life? This is the question. What is the purpose of life? Is it to find love? Is it to raise children? Is it to become financially rich? What is it for you? It means man...
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Our Mind

Our minds are our greatest encourager. Examples of positive self-talk are, “I can do this; nothing is going to stop me; I believe in myself; I am strong and courageous.” Try saying these now..... Feels good, doesn’t it? Our minds talk to us all of the time, remember? We all have that little voice in our head. If you don’t think you have a voice in your head, it’s the voice that just said, “What...
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Who Cares What Others Think?

Who Cares What Others Think?
Here are a couple of examples where not caring what others think may be taking it too far. This first example involves connection versus isolation. There is a difference between not caring what others think and not wanting to be part of the herd. If you want to be totally independent of others and want to sing out loud in public places and wear underwear on top of your head, that is great; however...
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