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Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude
Many of us think that we don’t have a morning ritual or that we don’t have time for one, but let me assure you — you do. In fact, your morning ritual is so ingrained that you probably don’t even realize it’s there. Every day, many of us wake up and tell ourselves, “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I don’t have enough time.” Or both. Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, says that these though...
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Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself
The four most important words you can tell another human being for encouragement is, “I believe in you!” It feels great to hear, doesn’t it? It is empowering to know that someone believes in you! Why do you think that is? Belief in yourself is a fundamental key skill to live the life you want. We must know down to our bones that we can do it, that we have what it takes, and that we have faith w...
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6 Strategies To Improve Self-Discipline

6 Strategies To Improve Self-Discipline
I would like to cover six important strategies to improve self-discipline.  Let’s take a moment to define what exactly self-discipline is and how it differs from motivation because I think a lot of people get these two terms confused. To start, I will share a quote from writer Samuel Thomas Davies because it actually answers both questions in a clear cut way: “Self-discipline is about leaning into...
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Who Are You

Who Are You
Do you know yourself? Have you ever had a "numero-uno" date with yourself and your notepad? Who are you? Really, who are you? This is a fabulous question to ask. A great end of year gift to yourself is to write a one-page bio on you. Who are you right here, right now? The reason it is so important to explore this is because it gives you your starting point. If you were pushed out of a plane and p...
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10 Hard Things to Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

Once upon a time, a young man and woman met, gazed into each other’s eyes, kissed, and knew for certain that they were supposed to be together forever.  In the subsequent days, weeks and months everything fell into place just as they had anticipated.  He was perfect in her eyes, and she was perfect in his. Oh, it’s the majestic harmony of young love!  When two souls who...
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3 Questions That Define Your Roadmap To Success

3 Questions That Define Your Roadmap To Success
Here’s the main problem with the way that most people live their life: Instead of living the life they want, they live the life they are given. Most of the time, we react to situations by following the path of least resistance instead of using the roadmap to success. It makes sense that this happens. We’re only human. When a job opportunity opens up, and we need the money, we take the job without ...
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Self Discipline

Every day we are preparing for success or failure whether we know it or not. We all have the pain of challenges. It’s true. How we respond to them is what makes it suffering or not. Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. There are two kinds of pain in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Which one do you choose? Let’s choose the pain of discipline. Everything comes with a pr...
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Seeking Approval

seeking approval
A while back, I was in a group environment where I got to know the others over the course of a weekend. A nice woman came up to me at the end of the weekend and said, “You know, at first I didn’t like you, but now I like you.” Frankly, it kind of threw me off. I did a gut check. What did I do? What would I do to make her not like me? I examined myself. I was searching for a reason to apologize ...
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Self Acceptance

Sometimes we need help in even realizing what it is that we need to accept in ourselves. One good tool is to recognize if there is anything in anyone else that you can’t stand. I mean, you really, really don’t like. “When I get around this person, I hate it when they act like that!” or “I don’t know what it is, but I really despise that person.” If you can relate to this, you have just discovered ...
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My favorite self-acceptance trait has to be authenticity. I love when someone has total and complete acceptance of themselves. It shows not only in their confidence levels, but also in their ability to relate and be compassionate toward others. Aren’t the people closest to you the ones that you can be the most vulnerable with? Authenticity breaks down barriers. Most everyone appreciates it becaus...
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