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Guard your Influences

Guard your Influences
Do you only take advice from people you want to be like? This can be a big one if you answered no. If you take advice from people that you do not want to be like, you begin to think the way they think and have what they have. Only, only, only take advice from people that you want to be like. If you don’t, many times, especially when someone is giving you unsolicited advice, they are trying to conv...
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Success Isn’t Rocket Science, but There Is a Simple Equation

People all around the world are looking for the secret to success. There are countless answers out there: personal connections, wealth, good luck, positive mindset, hard work, determination, passion, and on and on. Some of those things might be true for some people, but I don’t think success comes from just any one variable. I also don’t think there is a single tangible answer that can...
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