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Guard Your Thoughts

Guard Your Thoughts
You must guard your thoughts to get what you want. Your mind is hungry. Your mind goes after whatever stimulus you put in front of it. Garbage in really does equal garbage out! If we feed our minds with negative news, conversations, people, and music, our output becomes negative. My dad always told me, “If you want to soar with the eagles, you cannot hang out with turkeys.” Surround yourself with ...
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6 Strategies To Improve Self-Discipline

6 Strategies To Improve Self-Discipline
I would like to cover six important strategies to improve self-discipline.  Let’s take a moment to define what exactly self-discipline is and how it differs from motivation because I think a lot of people get these two terms confused. To start, I will share a quote from writer Samuel Thomas Davies because it actually answers both questions in a clear cut way: “Self-discipline is about leaning into...
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