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core values

So What Do You Want To Do Or Be When You Grow Up?

So What Do You Want To Do Or Be When You Grow Up?
First and foremost, recognize that you were made unique, special, and full of talent. Your job is to shine! Your job is to figure out what your gift is and give it to the world! It can be intimidating at first to have to break down the barriers of not having a belief in yourself or thinking that you are not good enough. Thoughts like, “I’m not good at anything. Who would benefit from what I have t...
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Who Are You

Who Are You
Do you know yourself? Have you ever had a "numero-uno" date with yourself and your notepad? Who are you? Really, who are you? This is a fabulous question to ask. A great end of year gift to yourself is to write a one-page bio on you. Who are you right here, right now? The reason it is so important to explore this is because it gives you your starting point. If you were pushed out of a plane and p...
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