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Do you need to conquer fear with a little more courage? Try this!

Go with a friend to your grocery store and lie down on the floor and twiddle your thumbs thirty times. Make sure you do it in an area up front where people are going to walk by you or stop. If someone asks you what you are doing, tell them you are taking a break and need to rest for a minute. Before you do this, you are going to hear the Mulaheenie, big time, shout all kinds of fear into your brai...
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Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude
Many of us think that we don’t have a morning ritual or that we don’t have time for one, but let me assure you — you do. In fact, your morning ritual is so ingrained that you probably don’t even realize it’s there. Every day, many of us wake up and tell ourselves, “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I don’t have enough time.” Or both. Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, says that these though...
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Your Virtues In Action – The Big Six:  Honesty, Respect, Loyalty, Faith, Courage & Love

YOUR VIRTUES IN ACTION “My momma always said…,” okay, really now, my Mom always told me that I was only as good as my word. My grandfather spoke these words of wisdom to her and she passed them on to me. This phrase served me very well. It became one of my highest virtues. People who know me know that I do what I say I am going to do. I don’t always get it right, but this has certainly been a gre...
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