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Dr. Keppen Laszlo

Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance
I love myself! I love myself! I love myself! YOUR TURN. Stop reading, go in front of a mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love myself, I love myself, I love myself.” Seriously, stop reading and do this exercise. Don’t read the next paragraph because it will rob you of this wonderful life lesson. Ready, set, go. Find a mirror, and say to yourself, “I love myself! I love myself! I love myself!”...
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Feel Busy and Distracted? Here’s How to Take Control

Editor’s note: This is a guest article from John Zeratsky. You’ve got a new email from your boss, plus a dozen old ones that still require a response . . . Your friend posted photos from her visit to a coffee plantation in Costa Rica . . . What’s the stock market doing today? Everyone is saying a bear market is coming, but you can’t really predict those things . . . There’s a new iPhone out...
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Help Others

Help Others
It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the people and all the movements and all the causes that ask for and need our help. Don’t get jaded. Apathy is your enemy, remember? Care, and care deeply for others. Choose your cause and get active. I definitely follow the philosophy that most often, the helping hand we need is at the end of our own arms. However, this does not mean we don’t sometimes need a ...
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Resentment of our self or others is like growing a spreading cancer in our bodies that we have the choice to cure, and yet some of us refuse to do it.  We all know that resentment truly is like us drinking poison and expecting the other person to get hurt. It is just not a productive emotion to get what you want. Leaders forgive. Winners forgive. They move forward. Winners learn from the action. C...
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