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When we break down the word responsibility, it means our ability to respond. For some, the word responsibility brings on dread and obligation. It doesn’t work to think of it that way. Responsibility is literally your ability to respond. Someone who practices high responsibility has very strong relationships in their life. They have good results in all areas of their life. They recognize their stat...
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Recognize Your Gift

Know who you are. Know what you value most. Know what you love to do. You were born to let your talents shine. You are not only good enough, you are fabulous, and once you figure out who you are and what your talents are, the world is waiting. God gave you your uniqueness as a gift. He gave you talents as a gift. Your gift back to Him and yourself is what you do with it. It’s time to shine, baby.
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The Power of Control

The Power of Control
I know for some of us, life can be tough. Really, life can kick us down at times. Continue to work on yourself, be tough on yourself. When you are tough on yourself, life will become easier. We must take one hundred percent responsibility for our lives in order to get what we want. Taking one hundred percent responsibility means we can no longer play the blame game. It doesn’t work, and it robs yo...
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This Is Faith

What Is Faith?
So what is faith anyway? What does faith mean? Faith comes from the Greek word “pistis” which literally means to have trust or confidence in someone or something else. I find it ironic that the Greek word “pistis” so closely resembles the slang word pissed, as in “pissed off,” which means to urinate or make or become angry. Maybe it’s just me that sees the humor in that. Do you get angry or uncomf...
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Forgive or Forget

Forgive or Forget
We have all heard forgive and forget, and many times this is very valid. We need to expand on this one a little. Depending on the severity of the action we were resentful about, sometimes we need to forgive and not be so fast to forget. For example, if you left your purse out next to a coworker and that coworker stole your purse, then even though everything was forgiven and made right, don’t leave...
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Guard Your Thoughts

Guard Your Thoughts
You must guard your thoughts to get what you want. Your mind is hungry. Your mind goes after whatever stimulus you put in front of it. Garbage in really does equal garbage out! If we feed our minds with negative news, conversations, people, and music, our output becomes negative. My dad always told me, “If you want to soar with the eagles, you cannot hang out with turkeys.” Surround yourself with ...
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Guard your Influences

Guard your Influences
Do you only take advice from people you want to be like? This can be a big one if you answered no. If you take advice from people that you do not want to be like, you begin to think the way they think and have what they have. Only, only, only take advice from people that you want to be like. If you don’t, many times, especially when someone is giving you unsolicited advice, they are trying to conv...
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Break The Funk

Break The Funk
If you ever feel like you are in a funk and happiness is escaping you, here is how you can get happy again, today! Do one of the following:  meet someone new that is interesting and funny; do an experience you have not done before; buy a new outfit; and/or do something you are afraid to do. If you take action and do one of these things when you feel like you are in a funk, you will snap out of it ...
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Self Esteem Assessment

Self Esteem Assessment
SELF ESTEEM ASSESSMENT 1. Am I too sensitive to criticism? 2. Am I extremely hard on myself? 3. Do I not own up to my responsibility? 4. Do I blame others? 5. Do I feel like I am a victim to other people and situations? 6. Do I excessively boast of my accomplishments, or conversely, make excuses for them? 7. Do I feel inferior or superior to others? 8. Do I completely avoid t...
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Is Money Good or Bad? 

Is Money Good or Bad? 
Is Money Good or Bad? As you may know I am a self-professed follower of Christ and let me be the first one to tell you that poverty is not what God wants for you. Do you think God and your well-intentioned church wants ten percent of one hundred million dollars or ten percent of fifty bucks? Gandhi was loaded with cash by his supporters and look at all of the good he did. Mother Theresa also had ...
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