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Keppen Laszlo

Six Productivity Tips to Help You Build Healthy Habits

The post Six Productivity Tips to Help You Build Healthy Habits appeared first on ProBlogger. Do you struggle with managing your time? As an online entrepreneur it’s easy to slip into bad habits – moving frantically from one urgent thing to another, or responding to other people’s agendas without much thought about what we need to get done. In this post, I’m sharing six things that ha...
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Lack Of Confrontation

Lack Of Confrontation
Fear of confrontation is a huge trap for so many of us. I have seen this one totally destroy relationships. Your happiness with others is directly proportionate to your ability to confront when needed. Confrontation must happen to get what you want. Instead of looking at it as a scary negative thing, let’s take the mystery out of it and make it a not scary, positive thing.  Lack of confrontation l...
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Self Discipline

Every day we are preparing for success or failure whether we know it or not. We all have the pain of challenges. It’s true. How we respond to them is what makes it suffering or not. Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. There are two kinds of pain in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Which one do you choose? Let’s choose the pain of discipline. Everything comes with a pr...
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Seeking Approval

seeking approval
A while back, I was in a group environment where I got to know the others over the course of a weekend. A nice woman came up to me at the end of the weekend and said, “You know, at first I didn’t like you, but now I like you.” Frankly, it kind of threw me off. I did a gut check. What did I do? What would I do to make her not like me? I examined myself. I was searching for a reason to apologize ...
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My favorite self-acceptance trait has to be authenticity. I love when someone has total and complete acceptance of themselves. It shows not only in their confidence levels, but also in their ability to relate and be compassionate toward others. Aren’t the people closest to you the ones that you can be the most vulnerable with? Authenticity breaks down barriers. Most everyone appreciates it becaus...
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Happiness Through Character

How is the reputation you have with yourself? I know this can be a tough question. The biggest slap in the face that you can ever experience is thinking that you are “the only one that will know.” A huge part of your happiness is how well you are following your virtues. Following your virtues makes you feel better about yourself, especially in a society today where it is becoming harder to find go...
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Be The Change

I ran into a checkout clerk the other day who was clearly having a really, really bad day. She was rude and upset. My first instinct was to treat her the way she was treating me; however, I remembered that people need love the most when they deserve it the least. Her bad attitude was really disguised as a plea for someone to love her. I softened my voice, looked her in the eyes with a compassionat...
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I Believe In You! Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself

I Believe In You!  Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself SELF-ESTEEM If you really aren’t sure how strong your belief in yourself is, then let’s test it. Low self-esteem is generally a good indicator of many of our character traits, including a strong belief in ourselves. Ask yourself the following yes or no questions: Am I too sensitive to criticism? Am I extremely hard on myself? Do I n...
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13 Habits To Develop Your Kids The Elevate Way

THIRTEEN HABITS TO DEVELOP YOUR KIDS THE ELEVATE WAY How we communicate with our children shows them how to be effective and fully functioning now and in their adulthood. The following are the top ways you can communicate with your children to ensure that they develop the skills to get what they want as they get older. I have attempted to put them in order of use based on their age. 1. Spe...
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Your Virtues In Action – The Big Six:  Honesty, Respect, Loyalty, Faith, Courage & Love

YOUR VIRTUES IN ACTION “My momma always said…,” okay, really now, my Mom always told me that I was only as good as my word. My grandfather spoke these words of wisdom to her and she passed them on to me. This phrase served me very well. It became one of my highest virtues. People who know me know that I do what I say I am going to do. I don’t always get it right, but this has certainly been a gre...
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