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make a difference

Help Others

Help Others
It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the people and all the movements and all the causes that ask for and need our help. Don’t get jaded. Apathy is your enemy, remember? Care, and care deeply for others. Choose your cause and get active. I definitely follow the philosophy that most often, the helping hand we need is at the end of our own arms. However, this does not mean we don’t sometimes need a ...
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Unusual Encounters

I was having lunch with a friend of mine last week, and we were talking about homelessness. He had just come from volunteering, and he said they had handed out lunches to about two hundred homeless people. We both have different views on this; however, we can definitely see each other’s points. After lunch, I was walking back to the office, and I came upon this young man in his late teens, early t...
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