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self esteem

Self Esteem Assessment

Self Esteem Assessment
SELF ESTEEM ASSESSMENT 1. Am I too sensitive to criticism? 2. Am I extremely hard on myself? 3. Do I not own up to my responsibility? 4. Do I blame others? 5. Do I feel like I am a victim to other people and situations? 6. Do I excessively boast of my accomplishments, or conversely, make excuses for them? 7. Do I feel inferior or superior to others? 8. Do I completely avoid t...
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My favorite self-acceptance trait has to be authenticity. I love when someone has total and complete acceptance of themselves. It shows not only in their confidence levels, but also in their ability to relate and be compassionate toward others. Aren’t the people closest to you the ones that you can be the most vulnerable with? Authenticity breaks down barriers. Most everyone appreciates it becaus...
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Happiness Through Character

How is the reputation you have with yourself? I know this can be a tough question. The biggest slap in the face that you can ever experience is thinking that you are “the only one that will know.” A huge part of your happiness is how well you are following your virtues. Following your virtues makes you feel better about yourself, especially in a society today where it is becoming harder to find go...
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I Believe In You! Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself

I Believe In You!  Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself SELF-ESTEEM If you really aren’t sure how strong your belief in yourself is, then let’s test it. Low self-esteem is generally a good indicator of many of our character traits, including a strong belief in ourselves. Ask yourself the following yes or no questions: Am I too sensitive to criticism? Am I extremely hard on myself? Do I n...
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