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Break The Funk

Break The Funk
If you ever feel like you are in a funk and happiness is escaping you, here is how you can get happy again, today! Do one of the following:  meet someone new that is interesting and funny; do an experience you have not done before; buy a new outfit; and/or do something you are afraid to do. If you take action and do one of these things when you feel like you are in a funk, you will snap out of it ...
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Self-leadership involves developing a fierce focus to achieve what you want. When I say fierce focus, I mean fierce. People who shine with self-leadership have blocked off times, daily or weekly, to do nothing but focus on what they want and how they are going to get it. They guard this time with everything they have. Folks, everyone and everything around you competes for your time. It must be gua...
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Is Money Good or Bad? 

Is Money Good or Bad? 
Is Money Good or Bad? As you may know I am a self-professed follower of Christ and let me be the first one to tell you that poverty is not what God wants for you. Do you think God and your well-intentioned church wants ten percent of one hundred million dollars or ten percent of fifty bucks? Gandhi was loaded with cash by his supporters and look at all of the good he did. Mother Theresa also had ...
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Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that oth...
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So What Do You Want To Do Or Be When You Grow Up?

So What Do You Want To Do Or Be When You Grow Up?
First and foremost, recognize that you were made unique, special, and full of talent. Your job is to shine! Your job is to figure out what your gift is and give it to the world! It can be intimidating at first to have to break down the barriers of not having a belief in yourself or thinking that you are not good enough. Thoughts like, “I’m not good at anything. Who would benefit from what I have t...
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Success Isn’t Rocket Science, but There Is a Simple Equation

People all around the world are looking for the secret to success. There are countless answers out there: personal connections, wealth, good luck, positive mindset, hard work, determination, passion, and on and on. Some of those things might be true for some people, but I don’t think success comes from just any one variable. I also don’t think there is a single tangible answer that can...
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3 Questions That Define Your Roadmap To Success

3 Questions That Define Your Roadmap To Success
Here’s the main problem with the way that most people live their life: Instead of living the life they want, they live the life they are given. Most of the time, we react to situations by following the path of least resistance instead of using the roadmap to success. It makes sense that this happens. We’re only human. When a job opportunity opens up, and we need the money, we take the job without ...
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