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the elevate self

I Believe In You! Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself

I Believe In You!  Self Esteem and Believing In Yourself SELF-ESTEEM If you really aren’t sure how strong your belief in yourself is, then let’s test it. Low self-esteem is generally a good indicator of many of our character traits, including a strong belief in ourselves. Ask yourself the following yes or no questions: Am I too sensitive to criticism? Am I extremely hard on myself? Do I n...
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Your Virtues In Action – The Big Six:  Honesty, Respect, Loyalty, Faith, Courage & Love

YOUR VIRTUES IN ACTION “My momma always said…,” okay, really now, my Mom always told me that I was only as good as my word. My grandfather spoke these words of wisdom to her and she passed them on to me. This phrase served me very well. It became one of my highest virtues. People who know me know that I do what I say I am going to do. I don’t always get it right, but this has certainly been a gre...
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Forgive or Forget?

Forgive Or Forget We have all heard forgive and forget, and many times this is very valid. We need to expand on this one a little. Depending on the severity of the action we were resentful about, sometimes we need to forgive and not be so fast to forget. For example, if you left your purse out next to a coworker and that coworker stole your purse, then even though everything was forgiven and made...
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Love People!

Love People Love people. One way to do this is to help others. Contribute. I don’t believe we were born to keep our talents to ourselves. I believe we have a moral right to help others and bring them closer to their purpose, to give them opportunities to elevate themselves. Don’t you feel great when you are helping someone with your time or money? Have you done that lately? Who needs help around ...
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