Home / Posts tagged "wealth"


Why Wealth?

Why wealth? Because if you are poor, it is very difficult to focus on anything else but surviving and paying your bills, that’s why.  You’re destined for more than that. Is that right or right? Okay, let’s start with what wealth is. Wealth is the subject of money and money accumulation. Money has always been a fun subject for me. I think for most entrepreneurs it usually is. What is money? Seri...
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What are your priorities? What is most important to you? I was attending a presentation one time and the speaker said, “Wherever you spend most of your time is what is most important to you.” You have probably heard this before, too. At the time, I was twenty-five years old, spending many, many hours growing my chiropractic practice. I was also newly married to my beautiful wife. I was conflicted,...
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The Habits Of Wealth

The Habits Of Wealth
Why wealth? Because if you are poor it is very difficult to focus on anything else but surviving and paying your bills, that’s why. You’re destined for more than that. Is that right or right? Okay, let’s start with what wealth is. Wealth is the subject of money and money accumulation. Money has always been a fun subject for me. I think for most entrepreneurs it usually is. What is money? Seriously...
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