What is your personality type? Are you more of an extrovert or an introvert? Are you more of a task person or a people person? Are you more formal or informal? Are you more dominant or easy going? Are you more of a producer or a connector? Do you thrive more on steadiness or variety? Are you more motivated by external or internal rewards? We can go on and on. What’s great about discovering your personality type is that it lets you know what your personality type is right here, right now. I love personality tests; however, they can be dangerous if you don’t see them as a tool to recognize where you are right here, right now. They are not a test to see what personality type you are stuck with for the rest of your life. If you don’t like your personality type, change it!
Quite frankly, the best personality type is to be a balance of all of them. If you are a hardcore Type A Driver that hates flexibility, that might not be working for you anymore. If you are a hardcore Type B Supporter that is busy taking care of everyone else except yourself, that might not be working for you anymore, either. Whether it be your horoscope sign, the Chinese zodiac, or a free personality test category you took online, if you don’t like what you were categorized in, change it.